Municipality Achieves 49% Reduction in Diarrhea with EOS Partnership

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This past January, EOS installed 70 chlorinators in the municipality of El Tuma-La Dalia, Nicaragua in collaboration with the Nicaraguan Ministry of Health, FIDER (a Nicaraguan NGO), and 70 neighboring community water boards. This is the first time that EOS’ water quality solutions have been implemented exclusively throughout an entire municipality, providing water chlorinators for all 70 community piped water systems in the municipality. 

Eight months after the implementation, the Ministry of Health prepared an independent study to compare reported cases of diarrhea in the municipality of El Tuma-La Dalia from January 1st to August 26th in 2017 and 2018.

According to their public health data, the municipality has achieved a 49% reduction in reported cases of diarrhea in 2018, since the installation of EOS systems. The largest reduction in cases fall in the age range of 5-9 year olds, who experienced 73% fewer reported cases of diarrhea. That translates to 88 children who reported sickness in 2017 and have been healthy in 2018.

These results point to a significant improvement in the municipality’s public health. This includes a major reduction in the healthcare system burden, specifically 203 fewer healthcare visits. Community productivity is increased where adults are able to work without being forced to stay at home sick, and children are not having to miss school because they do not feel well.

According to the World Health Organization, diarrheal disease is the second leading cause of death of children under five years old globally. It is both preventable and treatable, as El Tuma-La Dalia has demonstrated. A significant proportion of diarrheal disease can be prevented through safe drinking water and adequate sanitation and hygiene.

This achievement is attributable to numerous factors including: key leadership at the community level, continual water treatment, organizational partnerships, oversight from Ministry of Health, appropriate technology, and diligent training. EOS staff has been instrumental in facilitating these outcomes throughout the term of the study. Our team is using this successful municipality as a benchmark tool to help us provide similar positive results in neighboring municipalities. This is a great example of what can be accomplished when government, community leaders, and partners work towards a common goal!

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