Hello, we are Cova!

 In EOS in the News

Allow Us To Reintroduce Ourselves!

We are thrilled to share that EOS International will now be operating under the new name and brand of Cova. We are the same dedicated team, conducting the same critical work, with the same proven impact, just with a new name!

Since we began our work in 2008, our organization has grown considerably, and with it, our mission, vision, and audiences have also evolved. When we first started, our work supported improving the health, wealth, and environment of those in Nicaragua. Over the years we have continued to refine our model to focus on maximizing our impact by building a healthier Central America through community-centered safe water solutions.

Our growth from Nicaragua into the broader Central America region gave us the unique opportunity to analyze and reevaluate our existing brand and messaging. We wanted to create a brand that spoke to our work, while having a memorable name that is easily pronounced in different languages.

So, you might be wondering about the name Cova. Much like hydrogen and oxygen need one another to form a covalent bond to create water, Cova relies on successful partnerships to provide comprehensive safe drinking water solutions to rural communities in Central America.

While our name has changed, we are the same dedicated team, conducting the same critical work, with the same proven impact, just with a new name, Cova. We are excited to share and build upon our new brand presence with our passionate global audience as well as our customers and beneficiaries in Nicaragua, Honduras, and El Salvador.

We want to thank you for your support over the past 16 years bringing safe water to nearly one and a half million people in Central America. We are excited to continue our work, reaching more communities even faster.

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