It’s in the soup.

 In Events, Updates from the field

Thanksgiving this year, with all the family that it brings together, came on the heels of spending time with some of our extended EOS family – those traveling from the USA with us to Nicaragua on an Impact Experience trip and the local community members who welcomed us there.

While we endeavor to plan a memorable experience for our guests, sometimes the most remarkable takeaways lie in the unplanned occurrences. Sometimes it’s hot soup on a 100-degree day or a ‘fifteen-minute’ hike to a water source that’s not fifteen minutes away at all. Sometimes it’s a rainy side trip or a river crossing that all but swallows our truck.

And when the soup somehow hits just right anyway, prepared and shared by gentle citizens of San Jose, and the hour and a half hike is in the company of dozens of kind community members who not only answer all our questions but also satisfy curiosities of their own, there is no question it is time well spent.

When the water board in San Francisco shares not only their shelter from the rain, but also shows us the hands-on skill of rope-making that fuels their livelihoods, and the river crossing exemplifies but one of the daily challenges there are to overcome, we are reminded that this is why we share the Impact Experience.

It’s not everyday that the people and the impacts of the work of EOS are so tangibly experienced by those who provide support. And we are grateful for the moments between the line items on the itinerary. It’s in the soup. It’s in the everyday acts of living. It’s in the water.

Today is Giving Tuesday, and we appreciate your generous support of our safe water initiatives in Central America on this global day of generosity. We also encourage you to give yourself time to experience, time to learn, time to ask, and to seek and to better understand the world beyond our own borders.

Giving Tuesday. Giving Back. Giving Voice.

We’d love to share soup with you. 

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